
What is the Cheapest Way to Waterproof a Bathroom Wall?

Bathrooms are one of the most important of any home, office, or public place that is used by everyone daily to relax and refresh. Overlooking their proper cleaning, care, and maintenance can lead to various troubles including damaging fixtures, poor aesthetics, declined functionality, and most of all saline walls because of daily exposure to water, spills, and harsh weather.  Therefore, waterproofing bathroom walls is a common practice all across the globe to maintain a healthy and clean environment. 

Despite the immense importance, most people are still unaware of the need for bathroom wrapping or waterproofing and possible ways to do this job without breaking the bank. That’s why we are going to unveil some simple yet  durable and cost-effective waterproofing methods here: 

Painting Bathroom Walls

When it comes to protecting walls either in the bathroom or any other part of your home, painting is considered one of the most common, reliable, and affordable solutions. 

Various types of paints including mat, glossy, and texture are available in the market at reasonable rates. You can choose any type and color of paint according to your bathroom theme or design.  However, make sure to choose waterproof and stain-resistant paints that can withstand daily exposure and harsh weather. 

Don’t forget to prepare the walls before painting such as cleaning, removing dust or old paint, and grease or mildew because it can impact the longevity of the paint. Now apply the primer to ensure strong adhesion and once the primer is dry coat it with waterproof paint. You can also hire professionals to do this job more quickly, smoothly, and effortlessly.  

Application of Waterproof Wall Papers 

Various types of waterproof wallpapers are also available in the market that are highly cost-effective and don’t involve any labor costs because they are quite easy to install and you can do this job quickly. 

These types of wallpapers are made up of vinyl and are specially designed for heavy traffic areas because they can withstand water, stains, and environmental factors. The best thing is that they are also highly resistant to mold and mildew. However, make sure to choose a wallpaper that is specifically prepared for bathrooms and the right design that can perfectly adjust to your bathroom theme or style. 

All you need to apply the waterproof wallpaper on your bathroom walls is to clean the dust or any mildew and grease, apply adhesive on the wallpaper back, and smoothly put it on the wall. Now remove the air bubbles or any wrinkles gently and seal the edges for perfect finishing. 

Waterproofing Membranes 

Another popular solution for waterproofing bathroom walls is the application of special membranes. They are designed to prevent water from penetrating walls and protect them from the harmful impact of daily exposure and stains. 

These waterproofing membranes are thin sheets typically made up of rubber, asphalt, or Polyethylene. Just like human body membranes, they create a barrier and provide strong protection against humidity.  

To apply these membranes clean the walls according to manufacturer instructions, measure the size, and cut them accordingly.  Now apply the membranes and remove air bubbles with the help of a smooth roller or brush. Make sure to dry the membrane completely before applying an extra protection coat.  

Install Beadboard or Wainscoting

These are decorative wall treatments but also provide an extra layer of protection against moisture or humidity. Usually, these protective beadboards are made from moisture-resistant materials such as PVC or MDF and can be installed directly over the existing drywall.

First of all, choose beadboard or wainscoting panels that are specifically designed for use in bathrooms. Now measure and cut the panels according to your bathroom wall size and shape. Apply the panels using construction adhesive or nails and seal the seams and edges with silicone caulk to prevent water from seeping behind the panels. 

Apply Bathroom Wraps 

When talking about waterproofing bathroom walls it’s unfair to not mention the bathroom wraps, the most effective, durable, and reliable solution ever. These wraps are usually thin vinyl sheets that are applied over surfaces to protect them from daily exposure, spills, and stains and to enhance their aesthetics. 

These wraps are quite cheap as compared to all other waterproofing materials, versatile, durable, and compatible with all types of surfaces.  They are available in various types, colors, and textures. You can apply it on walls by following the same method we use to apply waterproof wallpapers and membranes. 

Key Takeaway

All these waterproofing methods are very popular, easy to apply, and durable which will not only protect your bathroom walls from the damage of daily exposure but will also enhance its aesthetics. However, in terms of reliability, versatility, and cost-effectiveness, bathroom wraps stand out as the most reliable solution ever.  

You can rely on We Wrap, a renowned name in the world of wrapping, to get premier quality bathroom wraps at affordable rates and accurate installation of wraps on bathroom walls and floors.

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