
7 Practical Steps To a Wardrobe Edit

Do you want to edit your wardrobe to enhance its storage space and functionality but don’t know how to achieve this task effortlessly? Don’t fret, we are here to help you perform this task smoothly and swiftly. 

From decluttering to cleaning and repairing and maintaining to wardrobe wrapping, we will provide you with step-by-step assistance to achieve desired outcomes without going through unnecessary stress and wasting your time and money.  

Step 1: Goals Determination

Whether you are simply editing your wardrobe or going for a complete renovation to enhance its functionality and aesthetic appeal, start your journey by defining your goals or objectives. It will keep you focused and assist in the editing process.  

Some effective tips that can help you with this site are listed below: 

  • Assess your needs and make a list of your main objectives behind this editing.
  • Now draw a rough sketch of your ideal wardrobe in your mind or you can also write it down on paper, which will help in determining the required materials. 
  • Before planning a wardrobe edit, make sure to consider your lifestyle, current trends, and your needs or preferences. 

Step 2: Free Your Wardrobe 

Once you have a clear idea of what you want to achieve through this edit, the second step is removing all the stuff from your wardrobe. It may seem a bit overwhelming but it is crucial for detailed cleaning and decluttering of your wardrobe.  

Here are some simple steps to do this job perfectly and effortlessly:

  • Choose a clean and empty space where you can put all your items removed from the wardrobe. 
  • Make sure to classify your items such as tops, jeans, shoes, and outerwear. 
  • Put unnecessary, damaged, and rarely used items in separate piles. 

Step 3: Sort Into Piles

The third and most important step is separating useful items or clothes from unnecessary or unusable stuff. Usually, wardrobe items can be categorized into three classes: 

  • The first category or pile should include the items that you wear regularly and are well fitted to you. It can also include items that are in good condition, timeless classics, and versatile. 
  • Make another pile containing items that are in good condition but no longer in your use, do not fit your physique or personal fashion and style, and pieces you have worn rarely in the past few years. You can donate or sell these items in the market and use this money for charity purposes. 
  • The third group or pile contains items that are unusable,  damaged, and can’t be repaired or repurposed. Make sure to discard these items appropriately. 

Step 4: Cleaning and Repairing  

Before reorganizing the wardrobe make sure to clean it thoroughly and repair all damages. It will not only enhance the longevity and aesthetics of the wardrobe but also protect your clothes and other items from damage.  

Let’s take a look at some effective tips that can help you clean and repair your wardrobe smoothly: 

  • Use a soft cloth and detergent with simple water to remove all the dust and stains from the wardrobe surface. Dry it immediately. 
  • Carefully inspect the wardrobe, detect any damages or scratches and repair them immediately. 
  • Check wardrobe fixtures such as locks and handles to ensure they are in the right functioning order. 

Step 5: Repainting or Wrapping 

Another important but overlooked step of the wardrobe edit process is repainting or wrapping its walls and doors. It not only protects the wardrobe from early wear or tear, stains, and damage but also breathes new life into your old wardrobe. 

Some practical tips to choose between paint and vinyl wraps are listed below: 

  • Vinyl wraps are more time and cost-effective than painting. 
  • Vinyl wraps are highly versatile and available in a wide range of designs and patterns while the paint is available only in a few forms such as glossy, matt, and texture. 
  • Paint takes more time and effort while vinyl wraps are self-adhesive and can be stuck firmly to any surface. 
  • When buying from a reliable company like We Wrap, vinyl wraps are more resistant to stains, scratches, and harsh weather. 

Step 6: Wardrobe Reorganization 

Now reorganize your wardrobe or keep all necessary items back in the wardrobe. Make sure to keep precious and rarely used items first and in a safe place where they remain safe and casually use items in areas where they are easily accessible. 

Step 7: Access and Fill Gaps 

The last step is looking for missing items to ensure that you have all the necessary items that you use regularly. To do this task, first of all, make a list of necessary things you are missing and set a budget for purchasing new items. 

A Final Word 

A wardrobe edit is a complicated task but it will make your Wardrobe clutter free and also help you equip it with the right collection that can reflect your style and meet your daily needs. You can follow these simple steps to transform this complex process into a streamlined task and make your wardrobe more organized, functional, and aesthetically appealing.

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